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Critters are amazing



They don't need much exaggeration to be amazing.

But just in case you don't know why a critter is amazing

Critter Comics is here to help.




Dear audience, thanks for being here!

Hope you learned something.

I certainly did making these.


As we expand our knowledge on the natural world

our love grows deeper. And with love comes a sense

of protection. My biggest hope for Critter Comics is to inspire wonderment, respect and a stronger desire for the preservation of Mother Earth and all her critters, including us. 


About the Author

Hi! My name is Michelle and I'm a nature enthusiast and creative junkie. 

I'm an illustrator, painter, photographer, crafter, nature enthusiast, musician and general creative. I've never had any formal art training. But that doesn't stop me from making art or calling myself an artist. Or admitting that I may indeed have a problem. 

There's only a few things that get me out of bed in the morning. An alarm, coffee and then the rush to get kiddo to the bus stop.


But after that, it's just art, music and nature. And my chosen family of course. Most everything else, from the bottom of my heart, I really just don't give two rats about. (See? Creative junkie - everything else makes my eyes glaze over as I lose focus, drool and daydream about frogs.)

I live in Florida but despite that, I'm still an alright person.

My life is shared with my best friend and husband Steve, our awesome daughter Ana Rose and our enthusiastically derpy dog, Izabella WOOF-ellini.

Spending time with my family is my favorite, but creative pursuits are

how I like to fill the time in-between.


I also play the piano and harp, kayak, hike, drink craft beer,

enjoy cilantro, volunteer for local environmental groups,

tend to my plants and ignore trash TV. 

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